Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Review and reflect learning strategy

When studying I feel I'm good at getting the main idea, extracting important details, and outlining textbooks. I went through a phase in my life where I read a lot of books. In order to remember quotes or sentences that I thought were structured in a way I could learn from, I used to underline them. However, that didn't stand out as much as highlighting so I changed my note taking habits. It was easier to extract ideas and get the main point when highlighting rather than underlining.

I'm not very good at finding a place to study, knowing when to study, and making and revising a schedule. I have two kids at home and there's nowhere to hide because I'm always helping with something. I found that the best time to study is after they sleep and that's not till after 9 when I'm tired and not retaining everything I read. One of my biggest flaws is that I'm not very organized. I've purchased calendars to try to fix this but it ended up empty.

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