Thursday, February 5, 2015

Review Learning Portfolios

I really liked Amit Panchal's ILP Portfolio.  I like it because it was nice and clean.  What I mean by that is that it's not black like some of the others I saw online.  I think that white or light grey really makes a website look professional and that's what I liked most about this website.  What I didn't like was it was created by Weebly.  I saw that Mr. Panchal took an Internet Programming class but chose to use a pre-made template.  I feel like he took the easy way out.  Here's a link to his website.

Another website I liked was made by Nelson Lee.  I liked this website for the same reasons as Amit's. However, I liked this one a bit more and I think it was because of the professional photo of Nelson. The only flaw that I saw was that it to was created on Weebly when he too has taken an Internet Programming class.  Here's a link to his website.

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