Saturday, March 14, 2015

Beyond Undergrad

In today's Friday lecture we learned about graduate programs and the preparation it takes to get there. Of all the lectures this Friday's was my favorite.  It was my favorite because I learned a large amount of information regarding the graduate school process.  I didn't know when to start applying to these programs and would have probably started the application process to late.  Now I know that I need to start prepping for the application process as early as this summer.  That goes for studying and prepping for the examinations that I'll have to take.  That's another thing I learned.  I didn't know that there were different examinations that I had to take depending on which major I decided to pursue.  I'm not sure what program I'll go into next but I feel like I want to take the Berkeley data science program.  I feel that taking that program will really help launch my career.  If I don't go to that I'd like to take the IT management program that CSUMB has.   Another really useful piece of information that I learned was that I probably shouldn't try to get my Phd.  There's no big difference in money in comparison with a bachelor or masters.   Being an effective team member is really important because it might help in the future.  It's what could make you or break you.  An example of what not to do is what the lady that Professor Tao was going to hire.  She didn't get hired because she wasn't an effective team member.  She met all the other requirements except for that one, one of the most important qualities a potential employee should have.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Reflect time management

After reading the time management strategies I learned that it's useful to use blocks to close off big chunks of time for certain task or events.  I currently use this strategy in my calendar planner that I have on my phone.  I have my computer's calendar linked to my phone.  What I did was block off all the time I'm in classes and the description of all those classes.  I also have the study times blocked of along with my Friday Cohort Enrichment.  

Another thing that I read on the article that I already do is prioritize my assignments.  So that I don't fall behind I use the sticky notes application that I have on my Mac and post sticky notes with descriptions of the assignments that I need to complete or that I need to review.  The high priority assignments are the ones that I put on the sticky notes because they're the first thing I see when I open my laptop. 

I think I'm pretty good at identifying resources to help me.  I'm constantly getting help from the tutors.  I was derailed for a bit with the transition to CSUMB from Hartnell and I really took of advantage of the tutors time by meeting with them once a week in order to  catch up.  

Previous Capstones

I really like Caroline Mountford's Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System project.  I think it's awesome that a CSUMB student is doing something that big.  The website looks and feels professional and is something I want to learn how to do.  I can make websites now but I haven't spent enough time to try and create a real professional looking website.  
Another Capstone that I really liked was the one by Jevgenia Smorgun who is a Frameworks Developer at Apple Computer.  Another awesome success story by a CSUMB alumni.  The meetings she talks about seem to be SCRUM meetings.  I'm interested in working for a company so that I could be part of these meetings.  Sounds weird but I like the idea of sharing ideas, progress, and roadblocks.  One of the biggest lessons I got from Caroline is that it's not a good idea to try to be a jack of all trades.  Pick something and master it.  Work for a company that will allow to grow on what your good at, employers love masters.  We're all genius at something, we just have to find out what it is.  

Preview Project Management

There are many reasons that organizations use project management.  Here are a couple examples of how proper project management can help:

  • To improve part communication
  • Improve assessment of project performance
  • Increased understanding of the project and its purpose

A good project manager has a wide array of skills, tools, techniques and knowledge.  The project manager has to have these gifts because it's up to this person to create scope, time, cost, and risk assessment of the project, amongst other things.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Individual Learning Plan

Today we had a speaker talk about Individual learning plans.  The speaker talked about catalog rights and how they work.  She discussed that if your catalog said you had 5 classes left in 2012 and its 2014 but the new catalog says you have 10 classes, you only have to do five classes because that's what your original catalog says.  We also learned today that C- is not enough to move forward to the next class, you can repeat 16 units, and withdraw 18 units.  If and when you feel you want to change majors you have to get approval from the dean.  Ms. Dublin was very informative and taught us many things that we were not aware of.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart

Mariela Ceja and I created a work breakdown structure and Gantt chart.  We created the work breakdown structure using lucidChart through Google drive.  It's a fun and easy way to create charts of all sorts.  It wasn't very difficult at all considering lucidChart has a beautiful platform for creating charts.  I wasn't keeping track of time but I would guess that it took an hour to create one of the charts.  The other was about 20 minutes since we already had a feel for the process.  The difference with the Gantt chart was that I had to do it on excel.  I couldn't find anything online to create it so I used another Google drive item.  Overall it was a great learning experience and I'm thinking of purchasing the lucidChart subscription so that I can use all of it's components.

Work Breakdown Structure
Gantt Chart

Interview Do's and Don'ts

Today we learned the do's and don'ts of interviewing.  There were many topics discussed in today's class.  Instructor Karen went over proper attire to wear for an interview.  She explained the difference between different states.  One of the examples she used was New York.  She pointed out something that I have seen before but never paid attention to it and that was that all business people in New York wear suits.  She said that it's a little different here in California because the people and industries here are more relaxed.  It's okay to walk in to google in some jeans.  As a matter of fact, now that I think of it, last time I was at Google on a field trip everybody wore jeans and t-shirts.  Even though the employees there wear jeans and t-shirts you should still go to your interview in a suit and tie because you want to show that your a professional person and are serious about working for that specific company.  One thing I never thought of and was mentioned today was that you shouldn't drink coffee or wear cologne because not everybody likes those smells.  In order to be considerate and to prevent being judged on the smell of coffee or your taste of colognes it's better to just not drink or wear it.