Saturday, March 14, 2015

Beyond Undergrad

In today's Friday lecture we learned about graduate programs and the preparation it takes to get there. Of all the lectures this Friday's was my favorite.  It was my favorite because I learned a large amount of information regarding the graduate school process.  I didn't know when to start applying to these programs and would have probably started the application process to late.  Now I know that I need to start prepping for the application process as early as this summer.  That goes for studying and prepping for the examinations that I'll have to take.  That's another thing I learned.  I didn't know that there were different examinations that I had to take depending on which major I decided to pursue.  I'm not sure what program I'll go into next but I feel like I want to take the Berkeley data science program.  I feel that taking that program will really help launch my career.  If I don't go to that I'd like to take the IT management program that CSUMB has.   Another really useful piece of information that I learned was that I probably shouldn't try to get my Phd.  There's no big difference in money in comparison with a bachelor or masters.   Being an effective team member is really important because it might help in the future.  It's what could make you or break you.  An example of what not to do is what the lady that Professor Tao was going to hire.  She didn't get hired because she wasn't an effective team member.  She met all the other requirements except for that one, one of the most important qualities a potential employee should have.

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