Thursday, April 9, 2015

Silicon Valley

Today's presentation is one of my favorite presentations so far.  We had Jacob Heuser come in from the Silicon Valley and he talked several topics however, the talk about finances was most interesting to me.  I've always wanted to make six figures and now that I'm studying CS, six figures is tangible.  Jacob explained what the pro's and cons were when making that 100 thousand salary.  For starters he said that you would make 100 thousand but the cost of living in San Francisco is higher.  Small apartments can go for $4,000 dollars.  That makes a big difference in how you live.  It might be better to commute from Gilroy or somewhere closer that doesn't cost as much to offset living expenses.  I still think I'd take a job in San Francisco to have that on my resume and so that I can possibly get a better paying job closer to home.  It's a sacrifice I'd be willing to take.  Another thing Jacob talked about was planning your future.  Some people move around from job to job trying to make more money but sometimes it's better to just stay where you're at for a couple more years and get that experience so you can take it with you to the next company.  I agree with that.  I plan to get the most out of my job as I can so that I can move on to the next with the most knowledge as I can.  I have to build the most self worth as I can working where ever I end up.

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