Friday, April 17, 2015

7 Habits of highly effective people

Being able to live a more meaningful and fulfilling lifestyle.  That's success.  Whether your rich or not I think that your success comes from happiness.  I'd be happy with the 2 million in the bank that's accumulating 4% every year, I'd be happy with that.  

I was talking about the definition of success and we came up with a different definition.  It's being able to be debt free, travel around the world, and have enough money in the bank to do things with your family.  That's our definition of success.  I personally want to be able to go on vacation with my family for a month and still have my job when I come back.  I think leaving to another country would be nice too.  Leaving to Spain for a year would be nice to do, that or another country.  

We had a good lecture about knowledge and skills.  My definition of knowledge is knowing things in theory and knowing things out of practice is when you have the skills.  

We also went over what our definition of habits are.  I think that habits are things you do repetitively and natural.  It's not a habit if you have to forcefully do it.  Habits are things you do repetitively.

7 habits of highly successful people is a really good book.  I read it about 7 years ago and it was really helpful.  It helps you see things differently and shows you what to do to get to those goals.  I think that one of the most important habits is sharpening the saw.  Especially in the tech world we're going in to we need to always sharpen the saw because there are so many new languages that are going to be released and we need to keep that competitive edge.  

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