Wednesday, April 22, 2015

CST 300 Final Presentation

I participated in the first weeks presentation for CST 300 with Karen Wisdom.  I'm glad I was able to get it over with on the first week.  Not only did I get it over with but I was able to start on my paper in the process.  I don't have too much of my paper but I have some of it.  This week I was able to catch up with a lot of my projects and homework.  It relieves me of stress that I had and allows me to focus on what's important, my projects.  Now that I have my presentation over with I can focus on my Internet Programming class and get the coding started.  I'm also able start my homework I have on Byun's homework.

Highlight of the week was my internship.  I had my second day Tuesday and am really learning a lot.  My first day consisted of quality assurance and I didn't feel like I was being challenged.  I think that they felt that and because of that, they switched my job.  Now I have a really interesting project that I have no idea how to do but know I can.  I can't wait to get started on it next week.  In preparation for that day I'm going to research the subject and learn the basics so that I have an understanding of what I'm getting into.

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