Thursday, April 16, 2015

One minute video

I've created a video, well more of a rough draft to a better video.  Basically, I introduce myself and talk a little about the program that I'm in.  I'm in a 3 year program created by Hartnell College and and California State University of Monterey Bay.  I also talked a little about me being a Computer Science Major with an emphasis in Software Engineering.  It was only about 30seconds to 1 minute
so I couldn't pack to much information about myself in that amount of time.  I then went on to talk a little about the languages that I've learned along with several languages that I want to learn.  This was an interesting assignment because I've never seen myself on video and now know what I look like when I'm up on stage giving a presentation.  Overall this was a good assignment and made me really want to practice more before presentations.  

One minute video

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