Monday, April 20, 2015


This was an interesting week.  I started my first day at my internship.  Language lines services is a nice company and it's close to home.  I'm looking forward to this summer because I'll be able to work full time.  Every company has something to offer and I hope I gain knowledge from this company.  I started this past Tuesday and they have me doing Quality assurance work.  They have an old system they used for quite some time and they're merging all that data onto a new system.  My job is to go in both systems and compare the information for each account.  I have to make sure that the old data was moved over to the new system and then I have to call the system to make sure the new data works out properly.  It was a good first day and I'm definitely looking forward to the others.

We're coming closer to the last couple of weeks of the semester.  I feel like I'm always trying to catch up with my assignments.  I'm in the CSIT-in-3 cohort and I can't afford not to pass a class.  The class I'm worried about is my CST 300 class.  We have tons of reading and assignments and I have to constantly check to see if something is due.  I have so many projects going on at one time and I'm always playing catch up.  This is by far is the most difficult semester I've had so far and I'm looking forward to the next spring semester, my last.

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