Thursday, March 5, 2015

Interview Do's and Don'ts

Today we learned the do's and don'ts of interviewing.  There were many topics discussed in today's class.  Instructor Karen went over proper attire to wear for an interview.  She explained the difference between different states.  One of the examples she used was New York.  She pointed out something that I have seen before but never paid attention to it and that was that all business people in New York wear suits.  She said that it's a little different here in California because the people and industries here are more relaxed.  It's okay to walk in to google in some jeans.  As a matter of fact, now that I think of it, last time I was at Google on a field trip everybody wore jeans and t-shirts.  Even though the employees there wear jeans and t-shirts you should still go to your interview in a suit and tie because you want to show that your a professional person and are serious about working for that specific company.  One thing I never thought of and was mentioned today was that you shouldn't drink coffee or wear cologne because not everybody likes those smells.  In order to be considerate and to prevent being judged on the smell of coffee or your taste of colognes it's better to just not drink or wear it.

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